Zoot Exhibition through December

A really nice gathering at the Zoot Art Gallery for the Opening Reception.    I’m  honored to have so many friends, 
members from the Zoot Art Committee, F-11 Photo Supply Staff and Camera Club of Bozeman members come to celebrate the night.  And happy to have a new photographer friend, Jelani, whose “Skin of Place” images were a hit!   

Great eclectic music mix,(thank-you Tiffany) snacks, drinks and lots of talk. Thanks to you all. 
My voice was a bit hoarse at the end. 

I was reminded, more than a few times, that the cold weather is coming and asked if I ready for more crazy cold nights shooting.  Yes.  It’s just magical to be enveloped by the stars, and the high altitude & cold just adds to the adventure.   
Open invitation;  You are welcome to join me to share-the-wonder anytime.  (I’ll bring extra hand warmers)

My 'Metal Prints' turned heads and sparked conversations. The Night Skies look like they’re floating on glass.   
I too, continually spot something new in these photos.  Finding M31, the Andromeda Galaxy, in the images is like rediscovering an old friend.  

The Zoot Art Gallery is a wonderful space.  Over forty beautiful wall prints are hanging in this exhibit.  
-------- Jelani's  "Skin of Place" from Hungary and Bozeman, MT.  And my Night Sky Landscapes --------  

Oh, and of course, the lucky captures of fun loving LuminBeings™ add a lite "whimsical" addition to the exhibit. 

I hope you have the chance to hitch your wagon to a star and ride to this “Galactic Center” - Zoot Headquarters 
located just off --North Star Lane  and  Milky Way Drive-- (No kidding, check-out the map)  

The Exhibition will be up through December. 


Zoot Art Gallery, Bozeman, MT

return to:  Robert Howell Photography.com              

for more information drop me a line

"See you out there"
