GOT Ice Tea ?

When you look at a photo what specifically do you notice?
Do you know what caused you to pause, smile, or grimace?
Be specific about what you've noticed.

"The way we look at photos is the first step towards the way
we recognize scenes in-the-field with camera in-hand.
...and should influence us when we make future images."

Here's an easy acronym to remember; 

"ice tea" [ I-C-T ]   IMPACT -------- COMPOSITION -------- TECHNIQUE

Did you notice any of these?

-------- IMPACT --------
Does the image “grab” you, the viewer, and demand attention?
• Is attention drawn to the intended subject making it the center of Interest?
• A this a unique/creative way of looking at a subject or object?
• Does this, or would another viewpoint/perspective add impact?
• Does the image stand out, is it more 'original' than others?

-------- COMPOSITION --------
Is the Placement or Posing of subject well executed / interesting?
What elements were used (or are needed) to make it a strong image?
• Is it clear what the main subject or story is?
• Intentional Arrangement • Rule of thirds (no "bulls eye/centered subject")
• Golden Mean
• Lead-in line   • ‘S’ Curve for depth
• Cropping
• A Foil (block) on right side (ie., tree, building, etc)
• A Low or High Horizon
• Light-to-dark   • Shadows
• Specific Details
• A Person to add scale and depth
• Framing (ie., tree branches) [sharp/not blurred]
• Space in front of moving subjects
• Harmony Complimentary colors or other interesting combinations

What elements should be avoided?
middle horizon, bull’s eye, background sunspots, blown-out hot spots,
tops of heads with horizon, unsharp framing, unbalanced weight on one side,
merging subject with frame edge, heavy/dark object across foreground...

-------- TECHNIQUE --------
Proper contrast, clarity, exposure for the subject or mood of the image.
What elements are used, or needed to make it a stronger image?
• Focus? • Exposure (over? under?)
• DOF (depth-of-field)?
• White Balance?
• Sharpness? • Lighting?
• Straight Horizon? (does not mean centered in the middle of the image)
• Filter use? • Polarizer? • Catch light?
• Detail seen in highlights and shadows? • Reflector usage?
• Post Processing techniques?
• Nice contrast?
• Natural colors? • Saturation? Tint? • Quality white and true blacks? 

return to:  Robert Howell Photography.com              

for more information drop me a line

"See you out there"






Photographing Fireworks

Quick tips:
-- Use a tripod and a bubble level for even horizons 
--  Use a cable release or a wireless remote to eliminate wiggles
--  Bring an extra camera battery
-- Manual focus on a distant light

-- Start with f / 8, ISO 200, shutter-speeds of 3, 5, 10 sec
-- Then use f/11 and f/16 to create darker skies
-- Open shutter when you see the launch trail
-- Close it after the burst trails off

-- Start with a wide angle lens
-- Switch to a zoom lens for close-ups
-- Watch for patterns and height to anticipate the next bursts
-- Then use higher ISO’s 400 & 800 if it’s windy 

to freeze bursts before they drift

--  To add special effects tap your tripod or 
--  Move your focus-to-unfocus during exposure
--  Don't take time to delete images while you are out there

--  Include foreground for a sense of scale, location and mood 
--  Silhouettes are cool. Kneel down and catch some hats and pointing arms
 --  Use a dim flash (or cover it with a thin napkin) to add to your story

return to:  Robert Howell Photography.com              

for more information drop me a line

"See you out there"
