Zen and the Art of Photography

There is a time when it comes to mind that the scene I'm looking at is looking back at me.  There is a communication of some sort that says the experience is what is important.  Cherish it.  Honor it.  Close your eyes and feel it.  More important than the capturing of it with a special camera, aperture, shutter-speed, etc...  

It reminds me of my cross-country bicycling experience.  I read, talked, studied bike gears, cogs, derailleurs, brands, on my own and with my buddies.  We could tell you every gear combination and the importance of cadence for training, racing or cross-country touring.  I new my bike(s) so well... I won races at the University, two year Champion of the State, and rode miles and miles (6,000) in my first University years.  Then something dawned on me during a California to Washington, DC. ride with a friend.  Staring up at the sky as we fell asleep in the desert, we talked about how small we were.  Tiny specks from a small farm town in the middle of the country, in the middle of one Galaxy, in the middle of who knows what....
More important than the knowledge of our special bikes and gear ratios, we're just plain fortunate to have the ability, and the wherewithal to see, feel and ride through other towns...  the experiences could and should be treasured more than the equipment...w0w,  epiphany.

Everyday, I find it is easy to wait, look, feel and appreciate what is around me.  With or without a camera.  How fortunate I am to see, feel, be here...  When I do use the camera I have in mind to make an image that honors something about the scene's personality... a Zen like experience some might say. I think it's gratitude really.  I'm honored to be here. You might catch me smiling to myself, when I feel the scene say; "Hello there,"  looking back at me. 


return to:  Robert Howell Photography.com              

for more information drop me a line

"Keep Looking UP"



Long exposures, a form of meditation

My family has a favorite Thanksgiving story of me hiking six miles in the morning to meet Dad who went fishing at a farm pond. I was seven. When asked how I could be so brave in the dark, my answer was easy; "I was safe. The big dipper was with me the whole time." 

It never fails to give comfort when I'm out at night
to give a nod to the Big Dipper... 

Childhood memories, dreams and imagination 
come flowing back when I make the time to look up
and gaze. 

I encourage my fellow 'dusketeers' to find a similar experience when they're out there.  
Stare deeply and soak it in.  Allow the Night Sky to envelop you.  

Let the 30 seconds add-up...and evolve into minutes,
an hour, or two...A form of meditation, I suppose, 
long exposures.

return to:  Robert Howell Photography.com              
for more information drop me a line
"Keep Looking UP"